Activities of the international and corporate relations Department

The Department of corporate and international relations has done some work to improve the activities of the international innovation center of the Aral sea region under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 30 memoranda of understanding were signed, including 8 With international and 22 local partners. In particular, during the first half of 2020 MICP signed the agreement with the research Institute for livestock and poultry, the Scientific-experimental station for breeding and seed corn of the Republic of Uzbekistan and LLP southwest research Institute of livestock and crop production of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Nukus branch of the Tashkent University of information technologies of them. Muhammad al-Khwarazmiy and The research Institute of vegetables and potatoes, the Karakalpak Republican Council of the Uzbek Youth Union, the Karakalpak Republican administration of the chamber of Commerce and industry of Uzbekistan and the Council of Farmers, dehkan farms and owners of homesteads of Karakalpakstan.

Полезные ссылки

International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

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Режим работы: Понедельник-Пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00

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