Department of Corporate and international relations


Head of Corporate and International Relations Department e-mail:  phone: tel: +998 (61) 225-74-56

Uralbaeva Miyasar  

Chief Specialist of Corporate and International Relations Department e-mail:  тел:+998 (61) 225-74-56


The Department of Corporate and International Relations performs the following functions and tasks:

  1. Development of proposals and recommendations on the development of corporate and international relations in the field of improving the productivity of agroecosystems on saline soils of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea to improve the welfare and income of the population living in this region;
  2. coordination of work on the issues of concluding and implementing international treaties (agreements), as well as programs of international cooperation;
  3. preparation of analytical, reference and informational and promotional materials about the innovation center in the field of international cooperation, programs and projects and provides them to the management;
  4. control and accounting of international correspondence, orders, instructions of the management and other regulatory documents regulating international activities in the areas of activity of the department;
  5. collection and processing of normative documents regulating international relations in the field of innovation;
  6. during the visits of foreign delegations performs the functions of an escort with knowledge of English;
  7. within its competence interacts with structural subdivisions of the institution, enterprises and organizations on issues of international cooperation, implementation of international projects and programs;
  8. carries out planning of international activities, preparation of plans and agreements on cooperation with foreign organizations;
  9. participates in organizational activities within the framework of visits of official foreign delegations;
  10. draws up an estimate of the necessary costs for ensuring external and international relations on the basis of agreements, plans and projects of international cooperation;
  11. prepares reports on the results of visits of official foreign delegations;
  12. responsible for providing official meetings with the necessary protocol details;
  13. organizes and conducts the procedure for approval and signing of draft agreements, protocols and programs;
  14. collects the necessary information and prepares weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual work plans for the department of international cooperation and international relations;
  15. within its competence, interacts with press services, and also, as necessary, prepares information for publication on official Internet portals;
  16. formation of annual plans-schedules for the director’s participation in international events, international activities and controls their implementation;
  17. attracting foreign experts to give lectures to employees and young professionals;
  18. assists in the preparation of entry documents and visa support for invited scientists from abroad;
  19. maintains the necessary statistics and analysis of external relations on the basis of information available in the department about entries and exits, visits of individual foreign representatives and negotiations, etc. assistance in admission to training, internship and advanced training of employees in foreign countries;
  20. organizing and conducting competitive selections among employees for participation in international cooperation programs;
  21. drawing up and approval of a plan for the departure of employees and the entry of foreign citizens participating in international cooperation programs;
  22. preparation and posting on the website of the International Innovation Center, information materials and announcements regarding the rules and conditions of participation in the programs;
  23. preparation of standard documents required for formalizing the participation of employees in international cooperation programs;
  24. coordinates and controls the work on the organization of international cooperation and external relations;
  25. translates current documentation and correspondence, information materials, contracts and other documents necessary for working with foreign partners and developing international activities;
  26. provides interpretation during official visits of foreign representatives, delegations and relevant protocol events, and also takes part in the preparation of programs for the stay of foreign delegations and representatives;
  27. prepares programs of scientific and technical cooperation with scientific centers and scientists of foreign countries, prepares information materials on their implementation;
  28. submits reports on such meetings to the director of the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea Region;


Полезные ссылки

International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

Эл. почта:,

Режим работы: Понедельник-Пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00

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