Eight waste incineration plants to produce electricity will be built in the republic Following the meeting, the minister expressed her readiness to take part in the events of the national pavilion of Uzbekistan at COP29. Source: UZ DAILY  https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/uzbekistan-rasshiriaet-sotrudnichestvo-s-blizhnevostochnymi-stranami-dlia-borby-s-opustynivaniem-i-izmeneniem-klimata/

Joint cooperation agreements were signed between the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Energy and 6 large companies of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

For reference: earlier, during a visit to the Central Asian University for Environment and Climate Change (Green University), President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with a presentation of projects for the processing of household waste, the production of electricity and products from it. The President emphasized their social significance and instructed to make these projects exemplary and increase their number in the regions.

According to this, in 11 regions of our country, with the participation of companies from the PRC and the UAE, plants for the production of electricity by burning solid household waste will be built based on projects worth a total of 1.28 billion US dollars. As a result, by burning more than 4.7 million tons of waste per year, 2.1 billion kWh of electricity will be generated worth $97 million, and the number of landfills will be reduced by five times. This will also save 152 million cubic meters of natural gas and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.4 million tons. 1.2 thousand new jobs will be created.

The projects are planned to be implemented in 2025-2027 in the Andijan, Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand, Syrdarya, Fergana, Tashkent regions and the city of Tashkent. Construction processes will begin in January 2025, and the plants should be commissioned in December 2026.

Source: https://yuz.uz/ru/news/v-respublike-postroyat-vosem-musorosjigatelnx-zavodov-po-proizvodstvu-elektroenergii

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