Germany to support Uzbekistan in transition to climate-resilient economy

As part of the cooperation between the governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) have signed agreements on the implementation of two projects. The documents were signed by the Minister of Environment Aziz Abdukhakimov and the Head of the GIZ Office in Uzbekistan Joachim Fritz at a bilateral meeting in Samarkand. The first agreement is dedicated to the implementation of the project “Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Climate Protection Strategies” (DIAPOL-CE), which will be implemented from February 2024 to June 2025.

For information: The project aims to support partner countries in developing long-term scenarios and strategies for the transition to a climate-friendly, sustainable and environmentally friendly economy.

In Uzbekistan, the project will support the climate risk analysis of the Sudoche lake system to study the potential negative impacts that climate change may cause on protected areas and wetlands.

The following activities are envisaged within the framework of the DIAPOL-CE project: – development of a national strategy for the conservation and sustainable management of wetlands; – development of a concept for the development of ecotourism to attract local, national and international visitors; – increasing the potential of the Sudochie lake system in relation to climate risks for wetlands.

The second agreement provides for cooperation within the framework of the Green Central Asia Phase II project, aimed at strengthening transboundary cooperation on climate change in Central Asia.

The main objective of the project is to implement the Regional Program for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change in Central Asia, developed within the framework of the first phase of the project and agreed upon by all countries of the region.

Within the framework of this project, dialogue meetings, expert support for updating the Action Plan on Emission Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change (NDC) will be organized until 2028, and it is also planned to develop documents such as the Joint Central Asian Political Declaration of Intent on NDC commitments of Central Asian countries, a methodology for assessing the vulnerability of territories and economic sectors affected by climate change, and a training module on adaptation to climate change, taking into account the gender aspect.

Source of information: Ministry of Ecology


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