“Green recovery” – to support women in the Aral Sea region. Promoting the development of green technologies for a more sustainable future.

As part of the Conference on Climate Change and Adaptation, a significant event took place – the signing of an agreement between the Director of the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea region, B. Khabibullaev, and Dr. Aaron Russell, Representative of the country office of the Global Green Growth Institute in Uzbekistan, Aaron Russell. This agreement aims to develop the capacity of 16 women with disabilities in Karakalpakstan to reduce the risk of natural disasters and improve their livelihoods in agriculture by developing their own businesses. The common intention of the two parties is strategic cooperation to support the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goal) by actively seeking solutions to human security issues such as social, economic and environmental in the Aral Sea region. These measures aim to reduce women’s vulnerability to climate risks and improve their agricultural livelihoods. The Green Recovery Investment Project for the Republic of Karakalpakstan to overcome the consequences of the Aral Sea crisis (GRIP Aral Sea) will provide technical support for growing microgreens and training to build professional capacity. These trainings will focus on raising awareness of climate change, its impact on health and accelerating the development of green businesses. This is an important step towards sustainable agricultural development. This event highlighted not only the importance of supporting women with disabilities, but also the relevance of developing green innovation for a more sustainable future.


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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

Эл. почта: info@iic-aralsea.uz, iic-aralsea@exat.uz

Режим работы: Понедельник-Пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00

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