Investment opportunities in the Aral Sea region and prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation.

In recent years, treaties and agreements have been concluded between the leaderships of Uzbekistan and China on large-scale transformations aimed at further dynamic development of the countries, strengthening its international positions, as well as protecting the rights and interests of citizens. Sino-Uzbek relations have achieved breakthrough development, and bilateral cooperation is strengthening in all areas. Taking into account the fact that the center was created on the initiative of the Head of our State and is pursuing the President’s policy to improve the quality of life of the population of the Aral Sea region, on April 25, 2024, an unofficial visit of a delegation from the diplomatic missions of China took place at the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea region under the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change in Uzbekistan, headed by the Advisor to the Ambassador for Trade and Economic Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in Uzbekistan – Liu Yan. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the most promising areas for investment and further development of bilateral cooperation. During the visit, the delegation got acquainted with the activities of the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea region, as well as projects implemented jointly with the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Thus, the delegation became interested in directions for attracting investment projects for the development of the region. In turn, the director of the center B. Khabibullaev provided information to the delegation about large-scale work to solve environmental problems on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea and in the Aral Sea region, carried out on the initiative of the President of Uzbekistan. Information is provided on joint projects with local and international organizations, as well as partnerships with Chinese scientific institutes, organizations and companies that are active in the region. In addition, B. Khabibullaev put forward proposals for cooperation in the field of water-saving technologies, increasing the potential of specialists, exchanging experience and combating desertification. Following the meeting, Mr. Liu Yan assessed the results of cooperation in solving environmental, economic and social problems related to the crisis in the Aral Sea, and emphasized the prospects for new projects in the field of water-saving technologies, climate protection, environmental protection and the development of a green economy. Also discussed were internships for specialists to study China’s experience in landscaping drylands, setting up agricultural farms for growing trees, and attracting investors to introduce innovative approaches.

Полезные ссылки

International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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