Address by H.E. Mr. Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, at One belt One road third international forum

Uzbekistan is interested in developing broad international cooperation as part of the “Green Silk Road”. In this regard, I would like to share our vision for further deepening of mutually beneficial partnerships with China and other participants of the Belt and Road Initiative.

  • First, in order to enhance the coordination of our joint efforts, we advocate for linking the conceptual initiatives of the “Green Agenda of Central Asia” and the “Green Silk Road”. We propose the development of a comprehensive Green Development Program for the practical implementation of key objectives: 1. Green transformation and digitization of economic sectors; 2. Creation of sustainable infrastructure in the transport and energy sectors; 3. Establishment of green industrial capacities; 4. Poverty reduction and “smart” agriculture.
  • Second, we emphasize the importance of broadening practical cooperation in advancing “green” production chains and innovations. We are ready to interact with the leading Chinese companies and involve other international partners in establishing a Special Technological Demonstration Park in the Aral Sea region. This park will focus on executing industrial and socially significant initiatives through the broad implementation of “green” technologies.
  • Third, we support China’s initiative on the “Green Investment Principles of the Belt and Road” and intend to participate in its promotion. We propose to establish a “Green Financing Fund” in Uzbekistan, which will serve as an effective tool to mobilize financial resources for the development of a low-carbon economy and clean technologies. It will also facilitate the implementation of high environmental standards in the region.
  • Fourth, we call on the countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to reduce restrictions and barriers in the mutual trade of “green” goods, especially agricultural products.
  • Fifth, we consider it important to intensify the dialog on the transition to green energy and hold regular meetings of Ministers of Belt and Road Initiative countries. We are convinced that it will facilitate the development of coordinated approaches to expanding the international renewable energy agenda.
  • Sixth, we propose to launch a scientific and information platform for the transfer of “green” knowledge and solutions on the basis of the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin.
  • Seventh, we advocate for developing a Joint Training and Academic Exchange Program in the field of “green” development and ecology on the basis of the Central Asian University of Environmental Studies and Climate Change. We believe the leading universities and educational centers in China and other member countries of the Belt and Road could be our partners in this work.
  • Finally, we believe that the transition to “green” development is impossible without promoting in society of traditional values of careful attitude to natural resources and the environment. In this regard, we propose to launch a Global Green Culture Development Program as part of One Belt One Road Initiative and provide for the following activities: – ethno-ecological festivals, – forums, – presentations and events with the participation of well-known public figures, representatives of science, business and culture in our countries.

Furthermore, the Head of our state emphasized the importance of responsible stewardship of natural resources and the environment. It has been proposed to launch a Global Program for the Development of “Green” Culture within the “Belt and Road” initiative. This program would involve organizing ethno-ecological festivals, forums, presentations, and other events featuring prominent public figures, scientists, business leaders, and cultural representatives. In conclusion, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that the fruitful results of the Forum would make a significant contribution to the collective effort of building a “green” future for humanity.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

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