LLC “SIBERIAN HEALTH” contributed to the landscaping of the Aral Sea region

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 12, 2020 PD-4597, the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan is implementing an agro-ecotourism project “My Garden in the Aral Sea”. The main goal of this project is to attract foreign tourists, local residents, and organizations to eliminate the consequences of the Aral Sea crisis, and to contribute to the greening of the Aral Sea region. As a result of these measures, a landscaping project and a crowdfunding platform were created for the first time in Uzbekistan. In order to fulfill the tasks set by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-5202 dated 06/29/2021, attract funds from foreign donors and expand the territory of the ornamental garden “My Garden in the Aral Sea”, International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin held negotiations with international and local organizations. Moreover, the significance of the project in social networks and the media for the public is systematically highlighted. Based on the results of negotiations, an agreement was reached with the SIBERIAN HEALTH LLC company on planting 500 seedlings of ornamental trees in spring at Muynak experimental site and in autumn 4,000 seedlings of saxaul on the drained bottom of the Aral Sea.

  • On April 7, 2023, with the participation of representatives of SIBERIAN HEALTH LLC, a charitable environmental campaign “100 hectares from us on the Planet” was held to plant trees at the research and production site of IICAS “Muynak”. More than 60 employees of the company took part in the campaign, and as a result, 500 seedlings of salt-drought-resistant ornamental trees such as Ailanthus, Ash, Karagash, Mulberry, Elaeagnus macrophylla, etc. were planted. Siberian Wellness is a global brand of natural products for an active lifestyle, sports, health, and beauty. The company has been actively operating in the Uzbek market for 10 years. Being a socially responsible company, LLC “SIBERIAN HEALTH” conducts active charitable activities, listening to the initiatives of society and preserving the good traditions of our people. The tree planting campaign is not only a contribution to the improvement and greening of our country but also the upbringing of a caring attitude towards nature. We are confident that each planted tree will have a positive impact on the ecological state and prosperity of the region, improving the health of millions of residents of the Aral Sea region. The International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan expresses great gratitude to the SIBERIAN HEALTH company for its charitable contribution to the project and demonstrating concern about the environmental crisis of the Aral Sea. Additional information for those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Aral Sea and are interested in participating in this project is available at

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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