Agreement between IICAS and XIEG “Application and demonstration of the experience of using photovoltaic solar energy in the ecological restoration of the Aral Sea Basin”

On March 29, 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev welcomed a delegation of the People’s Republic of China headed by Ma Xingju, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The purpose of the delegation was the implementation of joint projects in the field of renewable energy, the development of transport infrastructure, and the creation of industrial parks and agricultural clusters with the participation of leading Chinese companies in the regions of Uzbekistan. In order to implement the issues of cooperation agreed upon at this meeting and the tasks set by the President to create green forests and pastures with a green cover by innovative methods on the drained bottom of the Aral Sea, at the invitation of the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on March 31, 2023, a group of scientists from the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography at the Chinese Academy of Sciences visited Karakalpakstan. The meeting held with the delegation at the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was attended by Deputy Chairman of Jokargy Kenes of Karakalpakstan Rustam Saparbaev and issues of strengthening cooperation between the parties were widely discussed. The director of the center Bakhitjan Khabibullaev made a presentation on the innovation activities carried out by the center, implemented scientific and practical innovation projects, environmental problems, and their solutions in the Aral Sea region. In turn, Chinese scientists made a presentation of a new innovative project aimed at integrating China’s advanced innovative technologies into environmental management, focusing on the experiment and demonstration of photovoltaic technologies in the environmental management of the Aral Sea, as well as conducting experiments and demonstrations to solve environmental problems of Aral Sea through industrial convergence and technology integration. Within the framework of the meeting, an agreement was signed between the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography on the joint implementation of the innovative project “Application and demonstration of the experience of using photovoltaic solar energy in the ecological restoration of the Aral Sea basin” worth 500,000 US dollars. The project is planned to be implemented jointly with relevant foreign and local organizations in 2023-2025. The project is important in that the project will extend the experience of developing the “photovoltaic + ecological” industry to the settlements of the region in highly saline areas, build small distributed photovoltaic power plants, grow halophytes and desert-salt-tolerant plants under them, install solar panels and support energy storage, and thereby serving green development by improving the living conditions of the population. It should be noted here that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev during his visit to the Republic of Karakalpakstan on March 30, 2023, during a visit to the Nukus Youth Technopark in order to get acquainted with the development of the districts and the life of the population, mentioned the importance of the need for financial support and wider implementation of innovative projects based on “green” technologies. After the event, the Chinese delegation visited the Uzbek-Chinese joint venture “KPC NUKUS HERBAL TECHNOLOGY” in the Nukus district. The company exports licorice root and extract to China. The guests were shown the work carried out at the enterprise, new modern production technologies being introduced in the industry.Then the guests got acquainted with the activities of “Nukus agrofish claster” in the area. The company is mainly engaged in the cultivation of fish and fish products and their export to abroad. It is currently included in the register of a number of foreign countries. The enterprise is equipped with the latest modern equipment and technologies, produces 300 tons of fish per year and is one of the dynamically developing enterprises. The delegation also visited the intensive garden of the scientific research institute of horticulture, viticulture and winemaking named after academician Makhmud Mirzaev in the Kegeyli district. At this station, on the basis of new modern technologies, a large-scale scientific and practical work has been launched to grow fruit seedlings adapted to the rapidly changing climate of our Republic, severe soil salinity and adverse natural factors. It should be noted that the intensive garden was built within the framework of the regional project of the German Society for International Cooperation, in a modern innovative way, and for testing purposes, a nursery on an area of 0.7 hectares and a mother garden on an area of 2 hectares were installed and provided with modern irrigation and fertilizer systems. Currently, 14 varieties of apples and 2 varieties of pears are grown on the field. After the meetings, the guests shared their impressions and feedback on how to further introduce innovative ideas and approaches to the industry.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

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