Conference – “Developing Aral Sea Region in the Eyes of the World Community”.

Everyone knows that the United Nations proclaimed June 5 World Environment Day to emphasize that the protection and health of the environment are among the most important factors affecting the well-being of peoples and economic development around the world because our lives depend on healthy ecosystems. Celebrating this day provides an opportunity to broaden the foundations needed for informed opinion and responsible behavior by individuals, businesses, and communities in protecting and improving the environment.

World Environment Day is an event for everyone and the whole world.

On the occasion of this significant date at 05.06.2021. in the city of Nukus, a conference was held under the name “Developing Aral Sea Region in the Eyes of the World Community”. The event was organized by the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection, the United Nations Development Program in Uzbekistan and the Aral Sea Development Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Council of Ministers of the Republic Karakalpakstan.

The conference was attended by Deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, deputies of local Council of people’s deputies, heads and senior officials of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the mayor’s office of the Khorezm region, the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection and other involved ministries, departments and organizations, representatives of international organizations, members of the Central Council, heads of territorial organizations, activists of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, representatives of non-governmental non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions, journalists of central and local media.

During the conference, presentations of the participants were heard on the topic: “Measures are taken to eliminate environmental problems in the Aral Sea zone”, “Work under the auspices of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the South Aral Sea”, “CAREC’s contribution to the development of the Aral Sea region within the framework of ongoing projects”, “Review of IWMI projects and innovations in the Aral Basin zone”, “Introduction to the implementation of the“ EcoAral ”project,“ An integrated approach and public participation in solving social and environmental problems of the Aral Sea region ”,“ Modeling of environmental processes in the Aral Sea region ”, etc. Also, the results were summed up charitable ecological cycling marathon under the slogan “Help Muynak” held on May 21 – June 4 by the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports Development, the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Olympic Committee, the Cycling Federation of Uzbekistan together with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan , khokimiyats of regions and Tashkent city.

On behalf of the International Innovation Center of the Aral Sea region under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Deputy Director for Science and Production Idirisov Kamalatdin Abatbaevich made a presentation “On new environmental innovations in the Aral Sea region” and shared information on the innovative measures taken to overcome the consequences of the Aral Sea crisis by the International Innovation Center …

The conference materials aroused great interest among the participants and left a lot of positive impressions.[metaslider id=3131]

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

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Режим работы: Понедельник-Пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00

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