Project for the development of cycling culture in the city of Nukus

In recent decades, there has been a worldwide involvement in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preserving the environment.

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a lifestyle of a person in which all actions are aimed at strengthening health and the body as a whole. People who follow a healthy lifestyle get less sick and generally feel much better. Recently, a large number of people adhere to a healthy lifestyle. This is correct, since a healthy nation is being formed, and subsequently a healthy younger generation. For people who want to live a long and fulfilling life, a healthy lifestyle should come first.

It is obvious that the development of cycling has a positive effect on the environment, contributes to the improvement of air quality and the health of citizens. Cycling of the population – the use of a bicycle as a more environmentally friendly and health-preserving transport for various trips.

In 2021, with the financial support of the European Union in the city of Nukus, a project for the development of cycling culture in the city of Nukus “Cycling in Nukus” was launched.

The objective of the project:

  • to raise the image of cyclists
  • involve young people in cycling, creating a comfortable and safe environment for cycling.
  • increase the number of potential cyclists
  • develop a cycling culture among young people, attract as many people as possible to cycling.
  • During the implementation of the project, it is planned:
  • Installation of bicycle parking and self-service stations for cyclists near universities.
  • Carrying out interesting extraordinary training seminars among young people on the topic of cycling.
  • opening of bike rentals near entertainment centers.
  • to create a “Cycling community of Nukus” for exchange of experience in cycling.
  • Carrying out information and propaganda campaigns.
  • holding information and educational events.
  • The main advantages of cycling:
  1. Reduced air pollution;
  2. Reduces the flow of cars on the roads and thereby reduces the risk of road accidents;

In this regard, the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan did not stand aside and supported the innovative project in the development of cycling culture “Cycling in Nukus”, assisting in the creation of the necessary infrastructure. Within the framework of this project, on April 6 this year, bicycle infrastructure has been created on the territory of the Center, with the installation of bicycle parking and a service box.

Based on the above, we can conclude that, if the people and the government wish, a lot can be done. So let’s not be indifferent to the environment around us and the health of the population of our country.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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