Clean drinking water for the population of Muynak

In order to improve living conditions and provide clean drinking water to the rural population, the Center is currently working regularly to attract foreign investors to achieve its goals.

As previously reported, in may 2019, during the visit of the representative of the Swiss non-governmental non-profit organization LATMA-ADED, Mrs. Krisztina Krasznai to the Muynak district, the possibility of developing and implementing a project to provide quality drinking water for secondary school No. 7 in the village gathering of citizens “Tik-Uzyak” of the Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan was discussed.

The project provides for providing more than 250 students with clean drinking water, as well as the construction of a new sanitary unit that meets the minimum standards and norms. In order to raise funds for the successful implementation of this project, it was presented to donors on October 16, 2019 at the International Water summit, in Budapest.

According to our partners, the issue of financing and implementation of the project has already been resolved and in the near future, two engineers from the non-profit Association “LATMA-ADED” Jean – Marc Varidel–engineer of the Geneva water company and Marton Krasnai Jr. will visit Karakalpakstan for a technical assessment of the project, which will result in the installation of a water desalination station for secondary school No. 7 in the village meeting of citizens “Tik-Uzyak” of Muynak district. Currently, priority issues for project implementation are being discussed with the partner.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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