Modern methods of reclamation works to restore and improve the fertility of saline soil

The Aral sea region is a zone with many environmental problems. This is due to the depressing effect of salt and sand storms that form on the bottom of the Aral sea and spread harmful substances over a distance of up to a thousand kilometers. Despite the tremendous work performed annually by reputable specialists, significant areas of land are still left bare.

One of the tasks solved by the specialists of Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas (NIU) is related to the selection of the optimal composition of the soil modifier from the ecological and economic point of view, which will allow using certain territories of the former Aral sea for grazing. To do this, we study the effect of such meliorants as humic-mineral complexes, sapropels, montmorillonites, glauconite, etc.

Another task that is also being paid attention to is to increase the germination and survival rate of halophytes (local salt – and drought-resistant plant species such as saxaul, Circassian, Kandym, kendr, and others). To do this, the seeds are soaked in solutions of humic-mineral complexes and biopolymer solutions, and the approach called hydropossing is worked out. Works in this direction are of interest for use in secondary saline areas, as an approach to increasing the endurance and productivity of agricultural and forage crops.

The third, but not the last, task is related to the development of experience in the use of biological methods to combat existing and possible hydrocarbon contamination on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

To do this, individual plots are subjected to model contamination with oil and diesel fuel, after which biologics are introduced, activated by a special technology.

In order to develop technological solutions, the division experiments are conducted on the territory of the Aral sea and in the Botanical garden of The international innovation center of the Aral sea region under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The winter version of the experiment bookmark was used. Assessment of results and clarification of technological solutions will be performed by specialists of Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas at the end of the next growing season as part of an annual expedition to the Aral sea.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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