Significant contribution of the Giz representative office in Uzbekistan to the landscaping of the Aral sea region

The German society for international cooperation (GIZ) GmbH implements projects in Uzbekistan commissioned by the Federal Ministry of economic cooperation and development (BMZ), as well as other Federal agencies, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the interior.
The GIZ country Office in Uzbekistan has been operating in Tashkent since 1992. Branches are located in Andijan, Surkhandarya regions, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and purposefully carry out their project activities
In order to optimize projects and programs in Uzbekistan, GIZ works in close cooperation with other German institutions, as well as representatives, ranging from bilateral and multilateral organizations to the private sector.
The company offers promising solutions for political, economic, environmental and social development in a globalized world, as well as supports the processes of complex reforms and transformations, including in difficult conditions. Its goal is to improve people’s living conditions in a sustainable way.
As previously reported, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (no.PP–4597, 12.02.2020), with the funding Of the Fund for support of innovative and innovative ideas under the Ministry of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the International innovation center of the Aral sea under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan launched the implementation of the agro – and eco-tourism project “My garden in the Aral Sea”, aimed at eliminating the consequences of the drying up of the Aral sea and increasing the number of tourists.
To support this project, international and local investors are currently being attracted, as well as partners of the Center, who have signed memoranda of cooperation. In addition, currently the population of our Republic is actively interested in this project and makes donations for landscaping of the Aral sea, as a result of which more than 900 ornamental and fruit trees were planted on the territory of the Aral sea.
Recently, in order to support the project “My garden in the Aral sea” and thereby contribute to improving the living standards of the population of the Aral sea, the representative office of “GIZ” in Uzbekistan under the leadership of the project Manager, etc. Karolina Milov allocated charity funds in the amount of 30.4 million soums.
It should be noted that the allocated funds have become a significant contribution to landscaping and improving the ecological condition of the Aral sea region. Thanks to GIZ, more than 3000 seedlings of desert plants will be planted in the Aral sea region.
On behalf of all residents of the Aral sea region, we Express our deep gratitude to THE Giz representative office in Uzbekistan and especially to the Others. Karolina Milov for their charity and assistance in the implementation of the project. We believe that FOR the residents of the Aral sea region, Giz participation in our charity event is extremely valuable and important.
We take this opportunity to invite everyone to take part in the project. We will be very grateful if our compatriots are interested in financial support of this initiative and find an opportunity to spread information about the project” My garden in the Aral sea ” to attract new potential partners for joint work.
Each donation will have a positive impact on the ecological state and prosperity of the region, improving the health of millions of residents of the Aral sea region.
Additional information for those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Aral sea and are interested in participating in this project is available on the website


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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

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