One million trees campaign launched in Nukus

Today, October 24, the campaign “One Million Trees” has started in the Republic. Its purpose is to green the settlements of the country. To open the project, a symbolic date was chosen – United Nations Day. As the press service of the movement explained, the action will be an occasion to draw public attention to environmental problems. The Yuksalish activists initiative has already been supported by the UN office in Uzbekistan.

The green action began with Nukus. 100 junipers were planted on the territory of the Aral Sea International Innovation Center under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After that, the capital of Karakalpakstan will hand over the baton to other cities of the country.

The rally was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Yuksalish movement and UNDP, students of the Nukus State University named after Berdakh and the Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University.

“It is symbolic that Karakalpakstan became the starting point. In front of the eyes of one generation, the reservoir, considered the fourth largest in the world, disappeared. Aral catastrophe aggravated climatic conditions in the region. The unprecedented environmental situation in the Aral Sea zone has long outgrown the borders of Central Asia and turned into a global problem. Today, large-scale creative work is going on here – turning the sandy bottom into a green forest. Every resident of the country can make a contribution to a good cause, ”commented in the Yuksalish.

Further, the greening relay race should be taken up by the Syrdarya, Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya regions. They chose tree species that are resistant to difficult climatic conditions.

It is worth noting that the gardening campaign in these regions takes place in the format of eco-marathons. When planting trees, water-saving technologies will be used, including hydrogel.

Yuksalish added that the main goal of the action is to combat the effects of climate change and deforestation. Also, new trees will create a favorable microclimate. The action is planned to be held twice a year – in spring and autumn.

The Yuksalish movement and the Aral Sea International Innovation Center have agreed that the Center will assist in providing the necessary seedlings for planting as part of this action.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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