IICAS conducts research work in collaboration with the University of Greifswald (Germany)

With the support of International innovation center of the Aral sea basin and the International centre for bioprospecting of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, graduate of the University “Greifswald” Upendra Arial, carried out research work on studying alternative forage plants for livestock in the territory of the “Tick-Uzyak” and “Kuk-su” Muynak district.

With the assistance of the International innovation center of the Aral sea basin, a field expedition was organized to study the Botanical diversity and potential use of alternative forage crops by local organizations in the “Tik-Uzyak” and “Kuk-su” of Muynak district.

The study in the period from 8 to 21 September this year, U. Arial promoted employee IICAS  S. Khojanazarov, associate Professor A. Azhiev and students Alemanova G, G. Bekbergenova Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Azhiniyaz. U.Arial was able to conduct interviews with the local population and literary analysis, which will contribute to the research methodology of Dr. K. Toderich.

At the end of his visit, U. Arial held a master class on GPS and GIS systems for employees of the international innovation center of the Aral sea basin.

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

Телефон: +998 (61) 225-74-56

Эл. почта: info@iic-aralsea.uz, iic-aralsea@exat.uz

Режим работы: Понедельник-Пятница, с 09:00 до 18:00

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