The continuation of the experiment of growing sandy rocks in the block incubators

As previously reported, together with representatives of the Japanese corporation “OYO Corporation” at the research and production site “Muynak”, 3,000 block incubators were procured.
In June of this year, sand seeds were laid in block incubators (864 pieces) as an experimental test. Swelling hydrogels were used while laying the seeds of saxaul, sand acacia and salt grate Belange (Karabarak).
In order to continue the joint experiment, a representative of OYO Corporation (Japan) Sunao Oboyashi arrived in the Republic of Karakalpakstan on July 13 and together with specialists from the International Innovation Center for the Aral Sea basin visited the Muynak research and production site. Here they conducted an inspection of the condition of the sowed block incubators and further measures were discussed as well. After inspecting the works carried out on July 14, Sunao Oboyashi, together with the specialists of the center, made a laying of the seeds of saxaul for 800 pieces of incubators and watered the incubators.
It should be noted that currently at the scientific and production site “Muynak” agrotechnical measures are taken to grow plants consisting of salt-drought-resistant desert species, conifers, deciduous, shrubs and oilseeds, as well as agricultural crops. Agrotechnical measures were taken to treat row spacing, irrigation, cultivation and application of organic fertilizers, and plant treatment with plant protection products against diseases and pests.





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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

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