Performing high-level agrotechnical measures gives a great effect

One of the main tasks of the specialists of the department of forestry and field research is the cultivation of high-quality planting material that fully meets the needs of silvicultural and protective afforestation. The combination of agro technical techniques and technological operations ensure the cultivation of planting material of a given quality in the nursery. Agricultural technology should ensure the safety and good growth of plants.

These days, at the scientific production site “Muynak”, the necessary agrotechnical measures are being taken to grow 45 plant species, consisting of salt-drought-resistant desert species, conifers, broad-leaved, shrubs and oilseeds, as well as agricultural crops. Agrotechnical measures were carried out for the treatment of row spacing, irrigation, cultivation and application of organic fertilizers. Currently, the staff of the site is processing plants with plant protection products against diseases and pests.



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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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