China has made significant progress in combating desertification

On June 14, in the city of Urumqi (China), Deputy Head of IICAS M. Ganiev met with Jin Yuuan Min, director of the Syn-Jiang Institute of Ecology and Geography at the Academy of Sciences of the CNR. Here was introduced to the activities and rich experience of the Institute to combat desertification. In the 1980s, the institute carried out research and development work and developed a methodological guide for the protection of the highway along the Takla Makan desert. On the basis of this methodological manual, forest belts with a length of 446 km were planted. In addition, scientific experiments were conducted on testing plants in the sandy Gobi desert.

After the meeting, a familiarization was held with the museum, which included exhibits on soils, the animal and plant world, and the library of the institute. More than 900 thousand books collected from all countries of the world on biology, botany, geography, as well as on other branches of the agricultural sector, incl. on animal husbandry, beekeeping, poultry farming, etc. Of these, 80 thousand books, which are written in Russian, were brought from the CIS countries.

On June 15th, there conducted an introduction to the experience of testing halophytes on sandy lands, in the scientific station of sandy ecosystems of the Fukang Institute Syn-Jiang. Here, on an area of 16 hectares, along with the cultivation of sandy rocks like saxaul, kandym, and tamarix, scientific experience is being conducted on the cultivation of cotton and wheat using drip irrigation technology. The peculiarity of the scientific experience is that 180 thousand cotton seedlings are planted on every hectare of land and 90 c / ha of them are harvested.





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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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