International Conference on Water and Ecosystem in the Aral Sea Basin (WE–ASB)

In order to provide scientific and practical support for measures implemented to address the environmental problem of the Aral Sea by our country, mitigate the consequences of this environmental disaster on the health of the population living in the Aral Sea region, the economy of the republic and agriculture, Karakalpak State University together with the Uzbek State University Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of the People’s Republic of China; Research Center for Ecology and the Environment Central Asia, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for the study of the Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on 16-17 April 2019 in the Karakalpak State University Berdakh organized an international scientific-practical seminar on “ecosystems and water resources in the Aral Sea basin”.Университет-конференция-2.jpg

We know that until 1960, the Aral Sea was one of the largest water basins in the world. The volume of water mass was about 1083 cubic km; its length was 426 km, width – 284 km, maximum depth – 68 m. Also, the sea served as a climate-regulating water body and softened sharp weather fluctuations throughout the region, which favorably influenced the living conditions of the population, agricultural production and the environment. At the same time, the annual volume of fish catch in the Aral Sea reservoirs was 40 thousand tons and was the main source of agricultural production for the population.

Today, with the departure of the sea, more than half of the gene pool of the plant and animal world has disappeared. 11 species of fish, 12 species of mammals, 26 species of birds, 11 species of plants have practically disappeared.

Rector of KSU A. Reymov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Ecology and Geography of Xinjiang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Y. Chzhan, Professor of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Academy of Sciences of China Y. Luo , Professor of the National University of Uzbekistan R.Kulmatov and others, who noted that the holding of this event plays an important role in the further development of fruitful cooperation between Uzbekistan and China.

We are confident that scientists and research associates of higher educational institutions, research centers of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, China and other countries participating in the international scientific and practical seminar organized in Karakalpak State University will contribute to solving actual problems in the Aralsea basin.

The international seminar continues …

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International innovation Center for Aral Sea basin under the Ministry of ecology, environmental protection and climate change of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Адрес: ССГ Саманбай, Нукус 230100, Республика Каракалпакстан, Узбекистан

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